AgTC Agenda for 2025 – Events, Objectives, Challenges and Tasks

Subject to frequent change, as new challenges for ag exporter and importers arise.

AgTC members invited to convey new matters impacting ag shipping generally, or requests for individual AgTC member company assistance, to

A glimpse into our full plate, but these are not in any order of priority:

  • Conduct 8 Regional in-person) AgTC-USDA Ag Shipper Workshops providing opportunity for face-to-face engagement of AgTC members with industry and government leaders
  • Weekly Zoom Workshops, every Wednesday through-out the year providing the most timely means to stay current on challenges as they arise, with government and industry guests, generally well over 100 AgTC members each week.
  • Assure the AgTC Member Portal on the AgTC website contains most useful and current information on the most pressing issues facing AgTC members, for instance an inventory of every carrier notice on longshore job actions.
  • Gain Federal oversight of rail ramp functions, addressing rampant dysfunction leading to demurrage and detention charges. This will require resolving jurisdiction uncertainty between FMC and STB. 
  • Pursue enforcement of the Administrative Judge’s ruling to eliminate Box Rules – objective to alieviate artificial shortages of chassis, unfair costs for shippers, congestion and trade disruption at both marine terminals and inland rail ramps
  • Gain effective FMC enforcement of its landmark Rule on Detention and Demurrage Billing Requirements
  • Advocate for an expanded Definition of “Reasonable Detention and Demurrage Practices”
  • Assure the FMC continues to hold carriers to accept ag export (and import) cargo
  • Work with ports and terminals to improve through-put practices/efficiency and facilities expansion
  • Encourage the continuing conversion of the FMC from passive to aggressive oversight; support  Commissioners and FMC staff to self-initiate investigation of ocean carriers, and enforcement.
  • Work to increase allowable truck weight limits nationwide, or, if necessary, state-by-state
  • Join with other port stakeholders to oppose state mandates that render export through CA ports increasingly expensive and injurious to maritime trade.
  • Frequent, brief updates on all developments relevant to ag cargo supply chain.
  • Continue face-to-face engagement for AgTC members with ILWU, to pursue ag shipping efficiency.
  • Participate in industry forums to advocate on behalf of the ag exporters and importers
  • Support reefer shipping capacity expansion at select ports
  • Gain additional empty container storage, at and near ports and marine and rail terminals 
  • Work with ocean and rail carriers to increase containers available in inland locations to load ag exports 
  • Prevent carriers from imposing VGM (Verified Gross Mass) requirements (where carrier requires exporter to certify the cargo weight and the carrier’s own container)
  • Assist individual AgTC members resolve specific matters, requiring AgTC staff to intervene personally with ocean carrier and marine terminal senior management.
  • Organize national effort to freeze ERD -Earliest Return Date.
  • Develop digital platform for predicting ERD and loading windows
  • Provide opportunities for AgTC members to engage personally, face-to-face, with senior ocean carrier executives, to resolve industry-wide challenges.
  • Engagement with all 5 FMC Commissioners and with senior FMC enforcement and compliance staff.
  • Conduct the largest annual national gathering addressing ag international transportation: 37th Annual Meeting, Tacoma, June 16 – 19, 2025 
  • Identify and support new inland cargo depots and rail or truck loading capacity.
  • Provide speaking opportunities for AgTC members 
  • Conduct Annual AgTC Ocean Carrier Performance Survey – AgTC Members assess carrier performance in a variety of areas; results announced at AgTC Annual Dinner during the Annual Meeting.

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